
Pes planus
Pes planus

It is like a criss-cross foot position/ foot over foot. Lift the left upper foot and rest it on the other.

pes planus

Cramp the toes and hold it for 15 seconds. Separate the foot from the floor whilst keeping the heel on the floor. Sit on the floor with knees bend and hands in the back for support. Hold this stretch for 10-15 seconds and then do with right feet. Lift your left feet's toes and foot except the heel. Sit on the floor and place your feet flat on the floor. Don't wear high heels for a long period of time. It is one of the most effective foot exercise to cure flat feet. These procedures have potential complications and conservative methods should be tried first. One procedure uses an implant to support the arch. In severe cases, surgery may be required to correct the foot posture, usually with procedures called osteotomies or arthrodesis, which typically lengthen the Achilles tendon and adjusting tendons in the foot. In general, conservative treatment for pes planus acquired in adulthood (posterior tibial tendon dysfunction) involves pain relief and insoles or custom-made orthotics to support the foot and prevent progression. One expert suggests that if an arch forms when the child stands on tip-toes, then the child will probably outgrow the condition. Treatment for Flat Feet in ChildrenĬhildren with flat feet often out grow them, particularly tall, slender children with flexible joints. For example, a 2002 study on athletes with flat feet indicated that they had no higher risk for leg or foot injuries than athletes with normal arches. Never the less, whether flat feet pose any significant problems in adults is unknown. The less flexible the arch, the more force reaches the pelvic floor, jarring the muscles that affect urinary continence. One indirect complication of flat arches may be urinary incontinence or leakage during exercise. Some research suggests that flat feet in adults can, over time, actually exert abnormal pressure on the ankle joint that can cause damage.

pes planus

Other conditions that can lead to flat feet or PTTD include obesity, diabetes, surgery, injury, rheumatoid arthritis, or use of corticosteroids.Some studies have indicated that the earlier one starts wearing shoes, particularly for long periods of the day, the higher the risk for flatfeet later on.Sometimes they break down and the arch falls. The tendons and ligaments running through the arch then try to compensate. In such cases, over the years, the Achilles tendon in the back of the calf shortens and tightens, so the ankle does not bend properly.

pes planus

  • Wearing high heels for long periods of time is a particular risk for flat feet.

  • Pes planus